
This proposal sets out our existing situation in the need for a business relocation where since August 2022, we left this to developers Regent Land
Developments to lead on. We now know we can not trust them, we are now thinking beyond our current struggle with a scope to sustain, develop and protect our community with community lead services alongside our business offerings of food and retail that have served the SE16 community for 20 years as a
multi-dimensional community experience.
While the term' cultural or hub' isn't particularly confidently known by many residents in the SE16 area, our consumers explore and seek culture in external places like The South Bank Centre and Tate Modern, and our establishment has the same significant appeal of harnessing people in one place.
Over the years, PLUSHSE16 has evolved to what is locally being reborn as HUBSE16. This has the same culture and community draw as our retail offering, with a 20-year-strong community that references the retail elements alone as a HUB within the community. It seems impossible to want to lose this community to developers with little to no regard for community sustainability.
We need a home, a space to lay permanent foundations without disruption from developers and regenerative plans and relocations that rarely make space for our established communities.
Twenty-plus years ago, pre-Canada Water Station, Hollywood Bowl and Odeon Complex Plush were where many people of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic origin could seek refuge from racially aggravated groups - now PLUSH is a community of cultural exchange.
This legacy of people and place deserves to be protected, and our community offering be able to remain local in light of our displacement.

We need support by factoring our existing community into existing plans for areas under development where we have invested in local people and service delivery.
We require the relocation of our five businesses and were failed by Regent Land and Developments on our relocation strategy. Our landlord wants to sell the land and our local campaign resulted in Southwark Council REFUSING the planning permission for our site on Rotherhithe New Road.
HUBSE16 is the vision and sustainability solution to common issues affecting local areas through regeneration development.
HUBSE16 will encompass the existing business model of PlushSE16 (subject to site use) and offer an extended level of community access to the exhibition, art and community spaces alongside or Barbers and Hair Studio alongside Plush Caribbean food offering with a new direction to be developed on confirmation of a site.
The HUB will deliver as a ‘circular cultural powerhouse’, offering space, equipment, and expertise to residents and visitors, and promoting Southwark and Canada Water Development as culture facilitators.
With our networks across our 20-year growing network of service users, we have built our HUBSE16 network with many willing to partake in the growth of the HUB at Plush currently HUBSE16 C.I.C.
With specialisms in The Arts, Architecture, Law, and Sport - we are a multi-networking community fueled by Social Entrepreneurs powered by the art of Social Engineering change through business in the community.
Plush has helped address local & London-wide social issues through our active community integration, and we intend to continue.
Can you see Plush X HUBSE16 here?
- Discover more of the CWMP Neighbourhood Plans.
- View + Comment on the CWM Virtual Exhibition

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Barber Shop & Hair Salon
Our unisex barbershop and Hair Studio is a pinnacle place of social interaction and public discourse, integration with open debate, voicing public concerns, and engaging in discussions about contemporary issues. It is very common for retail space to be provided to non-Afro hair establishments due to un affordable rents and access.

Caribbean Street Food
A curated street food point of the SE16 community where many gather and pass through because of food, a space where people engage in and partake in the sharing of culture. Afro-Caribbean cuisine is often misrepresented in mainstream food culture with no other established Caribbean in SE16.

Youth Music Studio
Our music studio is for both professional and aspiring young musicians, with an offering affordable music production and sound engineering access for youth. The studio plans to provide more free youth music programmes beyond 2023 for young people between 12-20 years of age living in Southwark.
PLUSHSE16 x HUBSE16 Services
Our informal setup thus far has birthed a generational following and love for community first; this cultural HUB will continue to be the space to gather, showcase, learn, exchange and share in cultural learning and offer community cultural education development.
Retail and leisure space, with a new high street and town square. New public space, including a 3.5 acre park, revitalised wetlands and a new town square

The Canada Water Masterplan is expected to deliver up to 3,000 new homes, two million sq ft of workspace and one million sq ft of retail, leisure, entertainment and community space including proposed health and social infrastructure, and educational uses for all ages.

The Canada Water vision is to be a place where the community – those living, working and studying in the local area now, and in the future – shape and share in the developments success